On thrusday, in just a few short days, we will start quite a big travel. First stop will be Moscow, where we stay for a day before we head on to lake baikal for a week of hiking and vacation.
Next stop will be china. A. will be doing an internship in Beijing starting in October and I will give her company as long as I’m permitted to stay in China. Sadly it is not possible to stay in China as a tourist for as long as an intern.
When my permission to stay in China expires, we will have to part our ways for a few weeks. I will move on to South Korea and Japan (and maybe some more places where I don’t need a complicated visa).
At the end of december, we will rejoin at beijing airport to fly back home together. Or at least that is the plan.
All of this is surely going to be very exciting and we are looking forward to it a lot (although from time to time a bit nervously). Did I mention, we don’t really speak any chinese language?
As a result of our travels, over the next few weeks and months, the focus of this blog might shift a bit away from technical topics over to documenting our travels.
Since I’m not sure about the conditions of the intertube access along the way, this might be more or less complicated. I might have trouble posting to this blog, therefore I’ve also set up accounts over at tumblr and posterous. And be sure to also follow me on twitter if you want to stay up to date.
We will post pictures and status updates to at least one of those places in a semi regular fashion.